Santa House

December 2025

The Affton Historical Society is proud to present…

Oakland’s 46th Annual Santa House 2025

Call: (314) 496-6225

Enjoy a Victorian Christmas inside our mansion while visiting with Santa and Mrs. Claus. Warm cookies will be given to all guests. You are welcome to attend our story time and see a live puppet show.

A gift shop will be available. All proceeds benefit renovations towards our historic home.

Santa will be swapping his sleigh for a firetruck and making his grand entrance at 10:30 each Saturday! 

Tickets may be purchased cash or charge at the door. We accept both credit and cash at the door.

Reservations are only required on weekdays.
Call: (314) 496-6225

$7.00 per person

December 6/7 and 13/14
11am – 2:30pm

Reservations required
December 10/11
9am – 12pm